Contributor: $30.00 - $99.99
Sponsor: $100.00 - $499.99
Patron: $500.00 and up
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History Shows us
Who we were...
Who we are...and Who we may become

Order Yours Today...$15.00 plus $3.00 shipping = $18.00

A History of Texas Ridge, and American Ridge, the Land and the People. Order either one $30.00 (Add $5 for mailing

Take a Tour!
Signs have been erected marking old schools and churches in our areas. A tour book is available for $5.00


Bear Ridge for $40 +add $5 for shipping.
Juliaetta - Kendrick
Foundation and Museum
614 Main Street,
Box 37 Kendrick,, ID 83537

New at JKHF


$ 15.00